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Year 5 Spring 1 Music - Kisne banaaya
Year 2 Instructions
Year 2 Rosa Parks
Year 2 Dear Postman
Year 5 2024-2025 Music lessons
Y6-Autumn term 2- Whole class recorder
Year 2 06.11.24 - Nativity
Y6 Music - Autumn 1 - Hey Mr Miller
Year 1 24 25
Year 1 24 25
Year 1 music
Year 1 English
Y3B vlogs
Y2 Music - Animals
Y4 science 6.6.24 making switches
Y2 Music - Water
Y2 Music - Bodies
Y6 English, The Piano
Y3B Music- Poetry
Y6 music-Term 5- Alice in Wonderland
Y4 music term 5
3H music Spring Term
Y2 Performance poetry
Y3B Poetry- What is…the moon?
Year 4 music 15.3.24
Year 2 Weather
Year 3B Music- China
Year 2 Seasonal songs
Year 2 RE Sikh wedding
Year6 informative speech performances
Year 6- Growth music unit Spring 2
Year 2 Our seasons
Gold card
Year 2 Round the seasons
Year 1 - Term 4 Homework - Weather report videos
Makaton Group
Number song
Reception Literacy
Year 2 Spooky Scene
3B music Spring term
3H Spring Term
One Bright Star
Year 2 Spooky Spinney
Year 4 Magic Box poem performances
Year 2 The Nutcracker
Harvest Festival 16.10.23
Year 4 Brass Autumn Term 2023
The Magic Box by Kit Wright poetry recitations
Year 4 Music - Building (Spring 1)
World Unite Y6 music
Dragon poems
Y2 Nativity
Y2 Little Red Riding Hood
Harvest Y2
Year 2 Innovate
Year 2 Toys lesson 2
Year 2 whale facts
Year 2 Toys lesson 1
Reception music lessons - 23/24
Year 1 - Music lessons - 23/24
Reception phonics 23/24
3F music Autumn Term
3H music Autumn Term
Year 2 Ourselves L3
Year 4 - Jotunheim drama 20.9.23
Beowulf kennings ~ Year 4
Year 2 - Ourselves
Year 6- Roots music lessons
Year 6 Rough Faced girl role play
Year brass 27.6.23
Y4 brass 20.6.23
Y5 Music 14.6.23
Y1 Music School Mr taps classroom sounds 15.6.23 L1
Y1 Music Journey L3 steam power 9.6.23
3T Boomwhackers Lesson 1
Y4 brass 13.6.23
Y4 making switches lesson 12.6.23
Y4 French 8.6.23
Y4 DT 8.6.23
Y5 music 6.6.23
Jupiter and the bee 3T
Y4 brass 6.6.23
3T music Singing French
Y1 Music 25.5.23
Y4 brass 23.5.23
Y2 music 18.05.23
Y1 music 18.5.23
Y4 brass 16.5.23
Y5 Music 5.5.23
Y5 French 4.5.23
Y1 music 11.5.23
Y4 Magic Box poetry recitations
Y4 electricity 4.5.23
Y1 music 4.5.23
Y2 Music 20.04.23
Y5 Music 24.4.23
Y4 Brass lesson 25.4.23
Y1 music 20.4.23
Y4 Gilgamesh 20.4.23
Y4 music 24.3.23
Y1 Music 16.3.23
Y1 Music 23.3.23
Y2 music 20.3.23
Y3 music 10/17.03
Year 5 music 14.3.23
Year 2 music 20.02.23
Year 5 French
Year 5 music 7.3.23
Year 5 music 3.3.23
Year 4 music 6.3.23
Year 3 music 3.3.23
Year 5 music 20.2.23
Year 3 music 24.2.23
Year 3 10.2.23
Year 5 Dance 7.2.23
Year 3 Music 3.2.23
Year 2 music 30.01.23
Year 4 music 2.2.23
Year 3 music 27.1.23
Year 4 music 27.1.23
Year 5 Music 17.1.23
Oliver - instructions
Year 3 - building site performance
Year 3 building site song
Year 3 building site song
Year 6- Climate Change Presentations
Year 1 Music 19.1.23
Year 4 music 19.1.23
Year 2 sea shanties
Year 3 music 13.1.22
Year 5 music 6.1.23
Innovate 25.11.22
Year 4 music 14.12.22
Year 6 French
Culture afternoon ~ singing songs from Ghana
Year 4 music 21.11.22
Year 3 music 18.11.22
Year 5 - Shang Dynasty Podcasts
Year 1 music 17.11.22
MM and LV story performance
Year 2 music 15.11.2022
Year 6 improving our performance
Science pupil interviews autumn 2022
Year 3 music 11.11.22
Year 4 music 7.11.22
Y4 music 31.10.22
Y4 music 3.10.22
Y1 music 13.10.22
Y1 music 3.11.22
Y1 music 22.9.22
Y3 Music 23.9.22
Y4 maths rounding 3.10.22
Oliver’s Goldilocks and the three bears
Y3 music 21.10.22
Y4 computing 19.10.22
Y4 music 10.10.22
Y3 music 7.10.22
Y1 music 6.10.22
3b computing
Y3 music 30.9.22
3T computer safety adverts
3T computer safety adverts
year 1 music 29.9.22
Year 4 Saxon Dilemma drama 26/9/22
Year 4 music 14.9.22
Y4 timeline
Year 3 music 9.9.22
Year 1 music 8.9.22
Year 4 music 8.9.22
Year 5 music 20.7.22
End of the Shang Dynasty
Life after the Shang Dynasty
Year 3 Predator compositions - 8.7.22
Year 2 nosy dog 30.6.22
Mash-Up Live 4.7.22 Year 4
Year 4 brass 29.6.22
Lion sleeps tonight yr 2 16.6.22
Year 2 23.6.22
Animal Fair
Words- Narrative performances
Year 1 Arts week: Word (Nursery rhymes)
Year 4 Arts week: Sounds (Predator Found Poem))
Year 3 music 27.5.22
Year 1
Year 5 performance piece of their farming soundscape
Year 2 25.5.22
Year 4 Brass 25.5.22
Year 6 performance Sow, Grow and Farm
Year 2
Jubilee Assembly
Year 3 music 18.5.22
Year 4 brass 18.5.22
Year 6 farm soundscapes
Year 4 brass 4.5.22
Y3 music 4.5.22
Year 6 Music 3.5.22
Y3/4 music 20/4/22 Twinkle Twinkle
Invade Song Y3&4
Project WC 21322
English WC 21322
Math WC 21322
British Science Week
Vikings Chant
Moon Phases explained by Year 6
Year 2R Home Learning
Dance Club
Year 3/4 river composition part 1
Year 4 Digestive System Drama
Good Habits
Reception pre teach homework 21-22
Year 4 Samba Performance 22.6.21
Assemblies 2021
Year 3 Boomwhackers
Year 4 Boomwhackers
Year 2 Whitby Reports
Year 6 poetry
Year 2 Remote Learning W.C. 15.03.2021
Year 2 Remote Learning W.C. 08.03.2021
Year 3/4 English - Wk beg 1.3.21
Year 4 Maths - Wk beg 1st March (Mrs Jeffery's Group)
Year 4 Class Reader - Planet Omar
Year 2 Remote Learning W.C. 01.03.2021
Year 6 R.E. WC 1.3.21
Year 6 Maths WC 1.3.21
Year 6 Project WC 1.3.21
Year 6 English WC 1.3.21
Year 6 S.P.a.G. WC 1.3.21
Year 6 Guided Reading WC 1.3.21
Year 4
Year 2 Remote Learning W.C. 22.02.2021
Year 3/4 English Wk beg 22.2.21
Year 4 Maths Wk beg 22.2.21
Year 3 Maths
Year 6 WC 22.2.21 R.E
Year 6 Guided Reading WC 22.2.21
Year 6 S.P.a.G. wC 22.2.21
Year 6 Project WC 22.2.21
Year 6 English WC 22.2.21
Year 6 Maths WC 22.2.21
Year 3/4 English - Week beginning 8.2.21
Year 4 Maths - Week beginning 8.2.21
Year 6 WC 8.2.21 Timetable
Year 6 Music WC 8.2.21
Year 6 R.E. WC 8.2.21
Year 6 Project WC 8.2.21
The Firework-Maker's Daughter - Year 4 Class Reader
Year 6 Algebra WC 8.2.21
Year 6 WC 8.2.21 English Newspapers Part 2
Year 6 S.P.a.G. WC 8.2.21
World Book Day West End Theatre Workshops
Guru Hargobind
Breakfast Club
Infinity Academies Trust
Infinity Gymnastics Routines
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Spilsby Primary School
Year 2 Rosa Parks
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